

Rapping Dog ft. The Rapping Cat - Ponies and Rainbows

Adam Schleichkorn Thursday, November 5, 2009 , , , , , ,
Mylo the Cat and Barry the Dog are so gangster, that they can rap about Ponies and Rainbows, and still seem cool.


White Kid Rapping - Responds to Comments

DT, aka the star of the "White Kid Rapping - Kills It" video, shares his thoughts on the funniest hater comments that were left on the original video.


Firework Accident - Dude Hit With Roman Candle

Adam Schleichkorn Monday, November 2, 2009 , ,
Kids playing with fireworks causes a serious accident... As these morons were shooting roman candles in each others direction, one guy gets accidentally hit in the leg, hurting him badly. The injuries were not at all serious though, so feel free to laugh at their stupidity. We were lucky enough to just barely catch it on tape!

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